Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Duck Information

Well here it is the almost complete information about ducks. I say almost complete because I have not taken the time needed to research everything about ducks but this will get you of to a good start. If you are intrested in some more places to get duck information I have listed a few good ones at the end of this section. So lets begin the magical adventure into the wonderful world of ducks.

Duck is the common name for a number of species in the Anatido family of birds. Ducks are mostly aquatic birtds and are closely related to the swans and geese. Ducks are sometimes confused with several types of water birds with similar forms like the loon or birds that have the same habit of diving like gerbes and coots.

Most species of duck are temporarilly flightless whe they are moulting so they find protected areas with good supplies of food during this time.

Many ducks have a wide flat beak adaped for dredging. Ducks have a variety of food sources such as grasses, aquatic plants, fish, insects, some smaller amphibians and molluscs, and worms. Diving ducks and sea ducks look for food deep under water. To submerge easier diving ducks are usually heavier then ducks that dont dive and therefore have more difficultey flying. Dabbling ducks feed on the surface of water or on land, or as deep as they can reach by up-ending without completely submerging. Along the inside of the beak they have tiny rows of plates called lamellae like a whale's baleen. These let them filter water out of the side of their beaks and keep food inside

Some ducks mainly in the Northern Hemisphere are migratory. They fly to warmer places in the winter and cooler areas in the summer. However ducks in the tropics are usually not. some ducks are nomatic in places where rainfall is sparce like Austrailia.

Ducks have many predators because they live in many diffrent parts of the world. Ducklings are vulnerable to not only hunters but also larger fish like pike because of their inability to fly. The nests of ducks may also be attacked by larger predetors like foxes or other birds like hawks and eagles. Adult ducks are safe from most predators because of their ability to fly fast but are able to be outrun by faster birds like the Peregrine Falcon.

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